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Web design

iTech-Ed Ltd can design and create your Web site so it meets W3C standards for CSS, XHTML, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We can also ensure that we use the latest JQuery modules so that your site looks and feels very modern to use.

Not only will your Web site be professionally designed and written, but iTech-Ed can also provide text and images for your Web pages. The Web site will be designed to meet all your business requirements and will provide a way for you to advertise your services to potential clients.

The Web site will come with its own sitemap.xml file, which will help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - meaning that your site will be more easily found when potential customers search on Google (or other search engines).
Click here for more information on search engine optimization.

Designing Web sites to W3C standards is important because it means people using Explorer, Firefox, and the new Chrome browser will see exactly the same thing - some sites look quite different with different browsers.
Click here for for some examples of useful CSS techniques.

In addition to conformity to the latest standards, iTech-Ed considers the following to be important considerations when developing a Web site:

  • The pages must load quickly.
  • The pages must look the same with all browsers, all resolutions, and all colour depths.
  • The pages must be clear and the information required by the person browsing must be easily found.
  • Navigation from page to page must be easy.
  • The pages should have a similar look and feel.
  • Full contact details (including e-mail) must be easily found.
  • Meta tags must be included and match the text on the page so that search engines can find the pages and include them.
  • Newer techniques allow a variety of fonts to be used on a Web page. We recommend background colours or images should be subtle and not detract from the contents of the page.
  • Even though most people have access to broadband, we recommendusing compressed image files.
  • It must be easy for the owner to maintain the Web site so the information on it is always up-to-date.

Java, JavaScript, and JQuery can be used, when appropriat,e on a site to make it appear more interesting.

PHP and MySQL can be included for a more dynamic user experience of the Web site. In future, we hope to make better use of WebSockets.

In addition, iTech-Ed has experience maintaining Web sites using Content Management Systems (CMS), as well as using and maintaining pages on Microsoft's SharePoint..

If you need help with Web design and development, contact Trevor Eddolls at iTech-Ed.
iTech-Ed's telephone number and street address are shown here.

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