iTech-Ed Ltd

iTech-Ed Blogs

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Or click on the links below to read the blogs:

AI and ethics and mainframes
2024 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Cyber targets for 2025
Rock solid AI – Granite on a mainframe
Tell me about ONNX and mainframe AI
More on security
Insider threats and SMF
Is anyone really using AI on a mainframe?
Zowe LTS V3 released
AI is all the rage!
A chip off the new block
Cybersecurity Assistance
The cost of a data breach 2024 – part 2
The cost of a data breach 2024
Perhaps not the best way to deal with a data leak
Ransomware – some recent thoughts
Interesting browser updates
Mainframe security – there really is a war going on
IBM versus LzLabs
Making good decisions
Just a simple IT upgrade!
Mainframes – the state of the industry
Happy birthday mainframe
IBM and disruptive technology
What kind of mainframer are you?
Making life easier for new mainframers
Small, cheap, and powerful!
20 years of iTech-Ed Ltd
Trevor Eddolls – IBM Champion 2024
iTech-Ed Ltd and Planet Mainframe merge mainframe channels
2023 at iTech-Ed Ltd
GSE Conference – what I learned on Wednesday
GSE Conference – what I learned on Tuesday
IBM’s solution to AI storage problems
GSE UK Conference 2023 – from my point of view
Ideas from philosophy and good AI
The 2024 Arcati Mainframe Yearbook
GSE UK Conference 30 October to 2 November
Mainframes and disruptive technology
Beginner’s guide to using ChatGPT
Is my mainframe under attack at the moment?
What can I use mainframe-based AI for?
I think I know about AI, but what is actual intelligence?
Mainframes and the world of cyber-crime
Using AI for business success
Security breach – it’ll never happen! Part 2
Security breach – it’ll never happen! Part 1
Apple – the evil empire?
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2023
Why do mainframers feel the way they do? Part 2
Why do mainframers feel the way they do? Part 1
Cloud security for mainframers
Mainframes and open-source software
Burnout – is it an issue for mainframers?
iTech-Ed Ltd and Planet Mainframe announce collaboration on mainframe user groups
How to choose which mainframe applications to ‘modernize’
IBM and AI
Dealing with the stress of being a mainframer
Resolving that constant battle about the viability of the mainframe
AI and quantum computing – the Skynet scenario
Size isn’t important – z16 rack-mounted versions
Mainframes – expect the best
Mainframe futures – a staff perspective
If mainframes didn’t exist, you’d have to invent them
Artificial Intelligence makes it to the big time
What can we expect to see in z/OS V3?
Goodbye IT staff and keep well
Bigger Together: How to Maximize Mainframe’s Value
The NeverEnding Story: Optimizing and Securing the Modern Mainframe
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2023 – user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2023 – available now
Supply chain security threats
2022 at iTech-Ed Ltd
The solution-focused approach to mainframe security
Updating an old COBOL program the easy way!
Mainframe security in 2023
Guide Share Europe 2022 – my impressions part 3
Guide Share Europe 2022 – my impressions part 2
Guide Share Europe 2022 – my impressions part 1
Welcome to the Virtual Db2 user group
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2022
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2023
Triple extortion and IBM’s X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2022
How secure is your mainframe?
How secure is your mainframe?
Changes in the workplace
The problem with shadow IT
The threat of quantum computing
Mainframe-cloud hybrid working – part 2
Mainframe-cloud hybrid working – part 1
Mainframes, Git, and application development
Why firewalking is like mainframes
IBM second quarter figures
Password fatigue
Have your own personal mainframe
Can I use Wazi as a Service?
The latest z/OS enhancements
Hybrid environments
Mainframes, cloud, and technical debt
The importance of trust in business
Zowe LTS Version 2.0
How to motivate your mainframers
Mainframes and Ansible
So, what is Web 3?
What happens to your IT team following a ransomware attack?
Who looks after the mainframe community?
The importance of intellectual property rights
Sweet (z)16 mainframe
NFTs, crime, and mainframes
Mainframes and wicked problems
Trouble getting new mainframe staff?
The real priority for mainframers
Mainframe as a Service
Trevor Eddolls – IBM Champion 2022
The death of the mainframe has been grossly exaggerated!
Mainframe Modernization: How a Data-Centric Approach Creates More Business Value
Why the call for Zero Trust in 2022
Always Ready for What’s Next: Mainframe Fuels Hybrid Cloud’s Future
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2022 – user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2022 – available shortly
2021 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Which is better – the mainframe or AWS?
Gartner’s strategic technology trends for 2022
10 ways hackers pressure your company to pay the ransom
GSE UK Virtual Conference 2021 – my impressions, part 2
GSE UK Virtual Conference 2021 – my impressions, part 1
Deciding on the future of your mainframe
What can we look forward to in 2022?
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2021
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2022
How do I respond if my mainframe has been hacked?
Mainframes and Open Source – an update
Should hacked mainframe sites reveal all?
Mainframe RPA
Dipping your mainframe toe in the cloud
Mainframe chips with everything!
Why being an IBM Champion is hard!
Mainframes and Open Source
Mainframe resilience
The mainframe and Cloud PC
The future of the mainframe
Battling mainframe ransomware
Mainframes and AIOps
Working from home – is VPN safe anymore?
Security and the pandemic
Mainframes not going away any time soon
Computing tomorrow
Auditors, compliance, and the mainframe
How to connect to a mainframe
The Mainframe Mindset and the pandemic
The new mainframe mantra – trust no-one!
Modernizing the mainframe
Goodbye mainframe operations, hello SRE
Mainframe pricing
Tell me about Kyndryl
A mainframe ransomware attack – how to defend against it
A ransomware attack – how it works and how to defend against it
I’m in a meeting!!
How secure is working from anywhere?
That new mainframe job
Tell me about zERT
Mainframe, Cloud, and the Post-Pandemic IT Landscape
Relationship Advice For You and Your Mainframe
Test Automation: The Key to Increasing Velocity, Quality and Efficiency
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2021 – user survey findings
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2020
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2021 – available now
Trevor Eddolls – IBM Champion 2021
2020 at iTech-Ed Ltd
What Tech Leaders Can Learn From the SolarWinds Trojan Horse Attack
Why Tech Leaders Shouldn’t Ignore a Problem Like Ransomware
Does Your Network Security Solution Meet All of Today’s Requirements?
How to Make the Mainframe PCI Compliant
Top 8 Ransomware Attacks Businesses Should Watch Out for in 2021
Know Your Risks: Why Cyber Due Diligence Matters in M&A
Surviving and Thriving As CISO: 4 Key Security Challenges to Overcome
6 Ways Security Tools Consolidation Helps You ‘Do More With Less’
Zero Trust (Not VPNs) Can Solve Remote Access Crisis
Is Your Organization Prepared for a BEC Attack?
Mainframes aren’t boring
The resilient mainframer
Mainframes and open source tools
That mainframe backlog challenge
The problem with mainframe passwords
Online mayhem or opportunity!
Mainframes back on the map
Trust over IP
What have we learned from Coronavirus
Definitely not ‘cloud cuckoo land’
New mainframe models
Mainframes, DevOps, and Ansible
Working from home – a scammer’s dream
Mainframers working from home
Mainframe modernization
Mainframe breaches: a beginner’s defensive strategy
Mainframe Data Management
10 Steps to True Mainframe DevOps
Still increasing the power of hybrid IT through Open Source
Indicators of Compromise and Why It Takes Six-Plus Months to ID a Breach
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2020 – user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2020 – Now Available
Trevor Eddolls – IBM Champion 2020
Daddy, where did the Internet come from?
2019 at iTech-Ed Ltd
The Internet of Everything
Data breaches
Helping mainframers to achieve their goals
Guide Share Europe 2019 – my impressions part 3
Guide Share Europe 2019 – my impressions part 2
Guide Share Europe 2019 – my impressions part 1
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2019 - this week
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2020
Mainframes, AI, and happiness
The next wave of mainframe success
Keeping your mainframe safe
IBM’s other new computer – the quantum one
Summer – the season for cyber-attacks
Welcome to the world, Z15
Colour and branding for mainframers
What’s old is new again – the mainframe way
Mainframe BCP CA
Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2019
A number of things
How much does a mainframe data breach cost?
IBM and quantum computing
The who, what, where, when, and why for mainframe security
What’s Broadcom thinking?
Happy 50th birthday CICS
What are microservices?
Helping mainframers to be more resilient
Db2 – gateway to the future
The price is right
Just how secure are mainframes?
Joining the API economy
A wake-up call!
Motivating your team
So, what was the first mainframe?
Happy 55th birthday mainframe
I just want to be happy!
The weakest link in your security
Changing vendors
Toxic workplaces
My mainframe’s safe, isn’t it?
How to disappear
Best job in the world
Zowe now at Version 1.0
Security, skills and the system-of-record: we live in interesting times
Increasing The Power Of Hybrid IT Through Open Source
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2019 - user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2019 – Now Available
What’s ahead for 2019
2018 at iTech-Ed Ltd
What are they thinking?
Stress in the workplace
What’s a DISA STIG? And should I care?
Guide Share Europe 2018 - my impressions part 3
Guide Share Europe 2018 - my impressions part 2
Guide Share Europe 2018 - my impressions part 1
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2018
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2019
Modernizing your IT
What! Mainframers hate mainframes??
What is Mainframe?
More about SharePoint
600 blogs
Mainframes, blockchain, and cryptomining
More about Zowe
Z is for Zowe
Lattice-based cryptography
Digital reinvention
Review - Nuance’s Power PDF 3 Advanced
Making mainframe security even better
Office 365 - a fresh look: part 2
Office 365 - a fresh look: part 1
Surprise CA acquisition
Time on your hands
IMS at 50
In at the deep end
DevOps and zCloud
Stress in the workplace
File Integrity Monitoring
I'll do it in a minute!
Tell me about chatbots
Mainframes smash!
Web sites that work
Mainframe analytics
Alternatives to Facebook
Small but perfectly formed
Doing more with less
What's DevSecOps?
Orchestration on a mainframe container
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated
DevOps for the mainframe
z/OS code scanning is essential to IBM Z security
Integrate mainframe business systems with any others anywhere
Ditching waterfall for DevOps on mainframes
Staying secure and compliant
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2018 - user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2018 - Now Available
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Champion 2018
2017 at iTech-Ed Ltd
What can I expect in 2018?
Mainframe AI
Alternatives to PowerPoint
Guide Share Europe 2017 - my impressions part 2
Guide Share Europe 2017 - my impressions part 1
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2017
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2018
Another day at work
What's wrong with the number 9?
Boost your confidence
Decision-making acronyms
Pervasive encryption
What's next for ECM?
Poker or chess?
What's been happening at Syncsort?
Perking up the job
What is DeOS?
Why migrate to Office 365
I love green screens, but...
New mainframe, souped-up security
CSS3 - what is it?
But what's really going on?
What's this about CA and BMC?
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Making a decision
HDS, Fujitsu, and mainframes
Google analytics explained
Docker ready for the big time
Web site update
Digital Transformation (DX)
How to perform well under pressure
Blockchain as a Service
Developing your staff
At the edge of computing
Overnight successes
Rolling out software
Shifting left
How smart can we get?
Mainframe AI
The smart alternative for mainframe disaster recovery
Lower your mainframe total cost of ownership with zIIP
Eight steps to true mainframe agility
Mainframe computing provides customer value and economies of scale
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2017 - user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2017 - now available
2016 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Getting the best from your organization
The Game – a review
Change management
Office 365 101
What is IT4IT?
Guide Share Europe 2016 - my impressions part 2
Guide Share Europe 2016 - my impressions part 1
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2017
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2016
Interesting dates
More hybrid clouds
Rubik Spark - review
Getting your mainframe data into big data
Virtual and augmented reality
500 blogs
Vegan mainframers
Do I need bimodal IT?
Accessing CICS and IMS articles
IBM and Microsoft deal
Review - Nuance's Power PDF 2 Advanced
Negotiation tactics
Getting the best deal
Nasty online tricks
IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
Knowing what you've got
Laugh and the world laughs with you!
Don’t drown in the data lake!
Addressing the skills shortage with software
DevOps and legacy applications
Do I want videos on my Web site?
Big data analytics for mainframe
Dealing with conflict
More about leadership
What kind of a manager are you?
Moving an application off the mainframe
Securing z/OS file transfers
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Champion 2016
Security challenges on z/OS
Third-party mainframe maintenance services
Testing dates and time
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2016 - user survey findings
Enterprise Content Management in 2016: Disrupted and Evolving
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2016 – now available!
2015 at iTech-Ed Ltd
3D printing
Let's not use PowerPoint!
More survey results
Sadly we said farewell to Gene Amdahl
Developing with a swagger!
Guide Share Europe 2015 - my impressions
The state of the mainframe
Latest releases
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2015
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2016
Just how big is that?
Coaching mainframers
Mainframe project management
Business card design 2
Business card design 1
What is the Dark Web?
Mainframe penguins
Mindfulness and mainframes
Guest blog - Connecting Big Data and Big Content
Too fast, too furious
What's happening with artificial intelligence?
Crazy little thing called DevOps!
Losing the plot
What's the best way to recruit new mainframe staff?
What's all the fuss about Bluemix?
Just how sorry are you?
Unthinking thinking
A bright Spark
The Turing test just got easier
Mainframe on your wrist?
More about limiting beliefs
Watch this space
Dead man walking?
What’s all this about
Looking at Wi-Fi security
So, what is M2M?
Getting the best from your mainframe staff
Saving money with mainframes
Mainframes and tablets
Should I be sending e-newsletters?
Personal resilience for mainframers
Goodbye WDS, hello Syncsort
Managing people - the SCARF model
Why I’m not 'passionate'!
1990s all over again
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2015 - user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2015 coming this week
2014 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Making good decisions
Mobile working, is it important?
Better than HTML?
Mainframes, mobile, and money
Guide Share Europe 2014 - my impressions
Application-centric infrastructure
Getting the most out of e-mail
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2014
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2015
Mainframes and dealing with limiting beliefs
Making your Web site work for you
All change in the mainframe world
Keeping your mainframe staff happy
Talking technology
Making a point
Apps to make you feel better
Business continuity planning
Gamification of health
IBM and Apple deal
400 blogs
Inside Big Data
Thinking the unthinkable - alternatives to Microsoft
Plus ca change
Having your cake and eating it
Conversational Monitoring System
Busy week for IBM
Enterprise Social Networking
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Champion 2014
Keeping down costs and getting ahead of the competition
Tell me about NoSQL
Name the 12 Apostles - a quiz
Happy birthday mainframe
Tell me about this Yammer thing
What is Software Defined Anything?
Happy birthday WWW
REXX - the wonder program!
Big Data 2.0
Getting the best from your IT staff
IBM resizing and other news
Social media update
10 years at iTech-Ed Ltd
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook - user survey findings
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014 has been published
2013 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Death of the green screen
What's all the fuss about Bitcoins?
Push technology
Vivat mainframe
IOD - what you missed!
Guide Share Europe 2013
When worlds collide
Speakwrite technology today
Looking forward to IOD 2013
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2013
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
BMC Software's mainframe user survey
Tips on giving a presentation – part 2
Tips on giving a presentation
How are you?
Augmented reality
Optimum performance from CICS
Facebook and your business
Do I need an app?
New Business Class baby
Disappointing figures all round?
Mainframe apps
IBM's approach to Big Data
Interesting week!
DB2 goes big and mobile
Getting started with Big Data
Fighting off the zombies!
Big data – where are we?
OmniPage Ultimate 19 - review
Carrots, sticks, and managing mainframe staff
Welcome to the red team!
Using social media - Badminton
Lync and Yammer
Wisdom of crowds?
A bad time for mainframes?
GSE UK 2012
Social businesses
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Champion 2013
IBM and social media
Top-to-bottom social media strategy
Guest blog - Cloud and mainframes: a perfect couple
Review: Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8
BYOD growing in importance at mainframe sites
Guest blog - IT made simple? Automation lessons from the mainframe
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2013 has been published
How much data is enough?
2012 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Putting it all together
Computer futures
End of an era - goodbye Lotus
Guide Share Europe - my impression
How important is e-mail?
What's really going on?
IOD news
Guide Share Europe annual conference 2012
IOD - so near yet so far away!
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2013
IMS's HALDBA again
CICS communication history
Back-ups, archives, and Pogoplug
IBM's big baby
What can I say?
Why is everyone talking about Hadoop?
Keeping it short
Whatever happened to IPv6?
IBM and Social Business
Higgs boson exists
Having a giraffe!
On the surface
Being a good sport
300 blogs
Operations management still growing
Who'll buy BMC?
Making it look nice for CICS users
How's business?
If it's May it must be Madness
Extending the range
Cloud wars
Storage and expertise - the PureSystems box
Cloud is the answer!
IBM takes the QI approach!
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Champion 2012
Operating systems on a stick
No Raspberry Pi left for pudding
How to create an e-book
Linux divisions
Move over Google Docs, IBM's back in the game!
More data stored off mainframes - user survey finding
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2012 has been published
SharePoint 2007 site collection auditing
2011 at iTech-Ed Ltd
Sunk without trace
The future - gamification and augmented reality
Managing expectations
Continuous availability - no longer a dream?
Guest blog - Mainframe security: who needs it?
Guide Share Europe - an impression
Two things you thought would never happen at IBM
Guide Share Europe annual conference
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2012
World's smallest mainframe!
Lumbering sluggers come out ducking and weaving
Web 3.0 and Facebook
Mainframe maintenance - a new paradigm with new challenges
Get the size of all site collections for a Web application
Create custom permissions - for SharePoint
IMS systems and costs - analysis
The PC at 30
We're all friends now
IBM's lawyers can take the day off!
All change!
IMS - getting better all the time
Command economies, decentralization, and the z114
He CICS, he scores!
Where do the tablets go?
What's a mainframe, Daddy?
Mainframes, cloud, and trans-derivational searches
Cloudy but good
Custom branding with SharePoint
For the journey
All change in the office
Mainframe chatter
Installing and removing solutions from SharePoint
Network management issues
How to create a custom Web Part for SharePoint
Taking the tablets!
CA provides May Mainframe Madness
New virtual CICS user group
Johnny head-in-the-clouds
CICS tools
Cloud initiatives from IBM
Blending mainframe technology with Apple, Blackberry, and Android - makes you think!
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2011 user survey
IBM's Transactional Analysis Workbench
The importance of mainframe performance
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2011 - now available
Virtual IMS user group
Mainframe computing 2011
2010 mainframe review
Should you refrain from using Chorus?
Who cares about SyslogD on a mainframe?
Cloud and the future of mainframes
Mainframes still not all turned off yet!!
2010 Guide Share Europe Conference success
Android rules OK!
Mainframe security
Mainframes and cloud computing
Managing mainframes from your phone
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2011
Where are they now?
SharePoint software enhancements
Cheaper mainframe data access?
A look at SharePoint
Getting your money's worth
DB2 - faster than a speeding bullet?
Making computing a recognized profession
Virtual IMS Connection user group - under threat
Three into one does go!
Mainframe Workbench from Compuware
Guide Share Europe letter to sponsors/exhibitors
z11, zNext, zEnterprise System, zWOW!
What is fair?
Poor mainframe performance
Do technical blogs help get the message out there or do they just confuse readers?
Change is the only constant!
Staying up-to-date with IMS
My personal cloud - Pogoplug reviewed
If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it!
Microsoft, clouds, silver linings?
Web futures - they are among us
Mainframe performance
The recession is over, IBM is in profit!
IBM-Oracle face-off
So sue me!
Linux on mainframes - 10 years old already
Facebook and Twitter
IMS logical relationships
What's going on - on my Open Systems Adapter?
Datacolor's Spyder3Express - a review
DB2 V10 for z/OS beta
Eye-Fi card - review
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010 user survey
Oracle versus IBM and DB2
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010
Mainframe history
2009 - a review
zPrime for IMS
Social media - a business tool
Seeing is believing
IBM launches London Analytics Solution Centre - part 2
IBM launches London Analytics Solution Centre
Clouding your thoughts
Guest blog - Shadow ROI
GSE conference
The big daddy of virtualization just got better
A couple of HTML tips
Back by popular demand - the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010
Mainframe futures
IMS Version 11
IMS - what's new?
Is an iPhone a me-phone?
Who said it could never happen?!
Young mainframers
Exploitation - good or bad?
Trust, bad debts, and the economy as a whole
CA Eclipsed
IMS Open Database
How old is old?
zPrime rattles a few cages
COBOL on the mainframe
zIIP and zAAP again
Crazy Talk 6
Who can you trust?
Mainframe specialty engines
Seek, and ye shall find
The mainframe - an exciting place to be!
The ultimate iPhone app - a mainframe!!
CA - hottest ticket in town
Sorry I missed your birthday - mainframe
CA upgrades its mainframe software
Trevor Eddolls - IBM Data Champion
IBM in Jeopardy
IBM, Sun, and Oracle
Magix Music Maker 15
Mainframe compilers
Good old CICS and COBOL
Sun and Clouds
Browser choices
Social networking and friends of friends
Windows on a mainframe!
No point being ageist
Twitter and W3C standards
When digital gets physical
Mainframe on a stick!
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2009 user survey
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2009
The quick and the dead
CICS Explorer
Enterprise WOA
Final CSS tips
2008 - what happened?
Mish mash-ups
Hello - is anybody there?
Even more CSS tips
The Sun shines out of mainframes
Mainframes on a cloud
It's back!!
More CSS tips
CSS tips
Mainframe myths
Chrome - first reports
Desktop and mainframe integration
IMS - still life in the old dog!
InfoSphere Information Server
System z ideas come to your laptop!
Whatever happened to CICS Update?
Desktop choices
Search engine rankings
Joining the penguins
25 years of DB2
Birthday blog
More mainframe futures?
Sometimes small isn't beautiful
Mainframe futures?
Lookout PST files
A lingua franca for databases
I like the mainframe because...
Gloomy news for IMS?
Saving money with mainframes - revisited
Enterprise Information Integration
What's in a data centre - or the Wild Bunch ride again!
Saving money on mainframes
What a gadget!
Data Centre Automation - again
What is BPEL and should I distinguish between the music and the dancers?
2 become 1
IMS is dead!?!?
IBM and extinction-level events
Watch out for asteroids, IBM!
Data centre automation
Disaster recovery
IMS products
IBM launches its zX machine
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2008 user survey
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2008
Data integration and mainframes
IBM futures - Elseworlds
Blog tag - I'm it!
Bringing home the bacn!
Costs, age, and hen's teeth
And now this year's news...
IBM - the future
Is anybody there?
SOA - still offers availability
IBM and Sun are very cosy!
Another one bites the dust!
IT Infrastructure Library
Rational mainframes
The War of the Web
IMS community virtual user group Web site
Database auditing
IMS at 40
Back-ups and archives
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
Compliance, data storage, and Titans
How Green Was My Valley - and how green are my computers?
Office of the future?
Facebook - cocaine for the Internet generation?
The "dinosaur" lives on
Where am I?
Social networking
Viper 2
Good news for AIX users?
A year in blogs
The times they are a-changin'
Where can you go for help?
Let's hear it for Power6
IBM acquisitive and dynamic
SOA still making an impact
Virtualization - a beginner's guide to products
When is a mainframe not a mainframe?
The Color Purple
We hate Microsoft - or is it Microsoft hates everybody else!
Aglets - a new way for mobile computing
On Demand versus virtualization
Sign of the Zodiac
Big Blue goes green?
CICS V3.2 - do I need it?
SOA - Same Old Architecture
Legacy application modernization
Vista - final connections
DB2 9.1 for z/OS
Vista - first reports
Arcati Yearbook 2007
User interface facade
Alternatives to Microsoft
z/VM virtualization
Mainframe futures... (part 2)
Mainframe futures... (part 1)
Virtualization - it's really clever
I say I say I say!
Extending a small network
DB2 performance tip
Getting the most out of CICS
Get Mainframe Weekly on your desktop
Christmas toy or useful tool?
Oracle talks about the future
AJAX and Enterprise Extender
IBM's new virtualization tool
What's Project ECLipz?
Wireless working
What's the OpenDocument Format?
More mainframe information
Mainframe information
DB2 9 - some interesting features
Putting it all together...
Life, the universe, and everything
Web 2.0 - more than just "marketecture"
AJAX - a big step in the right direction
Host Access Client Package for Multiplatform announcement
A heads-up for CICS people
Viper - no snake in the grass
It's a jungle out there!
What's going on with CICS?

Copy any of the following into your RSS reader to get the blogs:
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Industry veteran Trevor Eddolls' blog was short-listed for an award by Computer Weekly in November 2011, 2010 and 2009.

Computer Weekly Social Media Awards 2011 finalist Computer Weekly blogger award finalist Computer Weekly blogger award finalist   IT Toolbox gold achievement for blogging