Trevor Eddolls Arcati Mainframe Yearbook Virtual IMS and CICS user groups IBM champion Hypnotherapy

Training available:

iTech-Ed has a long history of presenting training courses and individual seminar presentations. In fact Trevor's expertise amd experience has been recognised by IBM, who awarded him the status of IBM Champion. iTech-Ed is also available to chair technical presentations and seminars.

If your staff need an overview of how a particular system works and how they interact with it, iTech-Ed can provide that. Many people don't realise that from their computer they are actually using CICS or DB2, and a brief insight into how the products work would help them perform their job function more successfully. Nowadays, people use their browser for much of their work over the Internet, but z/OS or OS/390 could be providing the 24 by 7 reliability they need from the server. Again, some understanding of what's happening "under the bonnet" could help them work better.

Many people are working with Microsoft Office on their PCs. Training in all the necessary skills to get the most out of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (and understand what the children are doing!) is also available. Trevor Eddolls is a Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor (MOS MI).

iTech-Ed is happy to provide training for people who will be responsible for creating or maintaining Web sites - including using Adobe DreamWeaver.

Courses can be as short as one hour, or as long as three days depending on what's required. Full documentation is provided for all participants.

Motivational training for groups and personal coaching for individuals is also available.

Training is charged at £250 per hour, irrespective of the number of trainees, or £750 per day.

If you need any training, contact Trevor Eddolls at iTech-Ed.
iTech-Ed's telephone number and street address are shown here.

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