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Monday, 14 March 2011

CICS tools

I've been putting together a list of CICS tools and I thought I'd share some of the information I'd found.

So far, I've found 110 products from 31 vendors - including ASG, ASPG, Attachmate, Axios Products, B.O.S. Software Service und Vertrieb GmbH, BMC Software, C\TREK Corp, CA, Circle Computer Group, Computer Application Services, Compuware, Cue, Metamon, Data21, Enterprise Research Inc, Foundation Software, GT Software, H&M Systems Software, H&W, Hostbridge Technology, IBM, Lee Technologies, MacKinney Systems, Macro 4, Matter of Fact Software, NETEC, International Inc, Rocket Software, Rosebud Management Systems, SDS, Serena Software, SOA Software, and UNICOM Systems.

The products allow users to do everything from development to sorting, from debugging to connectivity. The problem, I guess, from the CICS user's perspective is which product to choose. It's not like going to the supermarket and choosing between tins of beans from different vendors, it's more like making a choice between which menu item to choose at different restaurants. You assume that some are larger portions or come with better service. Some come with a side salad, at other restaurants all vegetables are separately priced.

The best I can do is create a list of products and briefly summarize what each product does - monitor, sort, management, tuning, etc. It's still very much down to the users to speak to each vendor and see what extras they get with their purchase and whether the product will integrate with the other third-party products already installed.

Below is a list of the CICS-related products that I've found so far. If you know of any others then please e-mail me at and let me have the information. Or tell me if a company's gone out of business or a product doesn't really exist anymore, etc.

I am already aware of many products that work with CICS that aren't necessarily CICS-specific, so I haven't included them.

Abend-AID for CICS (Compuware), ASG-TMON for CICS TS for z/OS (ASG), Autoinstall (MacKinney Systems), AUTOMON/BATCH for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), AUTOMON/CICS for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), BOS-skip (B.O.S. Software Service und Vertrieb GmbH), BOS-pack (B.O.S. Software Service und Vertrieb GmbH), BOS-help (B.O.S. Software Service und Vertrieb GmbH), C\FLOW (Circle Computer Group), C\TREK (C\TREK Corp), CAFC (NETEC International Inc), CA CICSORT (CA), CA DADS Plus for CICS (CA), CA InterTest for CICS (CA), CA SOLVE:Operations Automation for CICS (CA), CA SymDump for CICS (CA), CA Verify for CICS (CA), CDDF (NETEC International Inc), CICS Application transformation tools (IBM), CICS Batch Application Control (IBM), CICS Business Event Publisher for MQSeries (IBM), CICS Configuration Manager for z/OS (CICS CM) (IBM), CICS Deployment Assistant for z/OS (IBM), CICS Interdependency Analyzer (IBM), CICS OTTO (Online Transmission Time Optimizer) (IBM), CICS Performance Monitor (IBM), CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OS (CICS PA) (IBM), CICS Subsystem Management tools (IBM), CICS Transaction Gateway (IBM), CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (IBM), CICS Universal Client (IBM), CICS VSAM Copy (IBM), CICS VSAM Recovery (IBM), CICS VSAM Transparency (IBM), CICS/CEMT from Batch (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Comet for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), CICS/Fax (MacKinney Systems), CICS/FCTD for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), CICS/FileServ for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), CICS/Forward Recovery System (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Hotprint (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Juggler for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), CICS/Log View (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Mapr II (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Menu II (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Message (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Morning News (MacKinney Systems), CICS/On Line File Utility (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Qeditor (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Qsort (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Response Time Monitor (MacKinney Systems), CICS/SignOn (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Spooler (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Spy (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Swap (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Timeout (MacKinney Systems), CICS/Windows for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), CICS-DupS (Enterprise Research Inc), CICS-Lock (Enterprise Research Inc), CICS-SSO (Enterprise Research Inc), CICS-View (Enterprise Research Inc), CICS2PDF (Computer Application Services, Inc), Command/CICS (ASPG - Advanced Software Products Group), Dump Detective for CICS (MacKinney Systems), Easy Help for CICS (MacKinney Systems), Eden Server (Rosebud Management Systems), Energizer for CICS (BMC Software), eSendIT (MacKinney Systems), Fault Analyzer (IBM), Help/Windows for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), Inter-Program Command Processor (IPCP PLUS) (SDS), IpServer (Data21), Ivory Service Architect (GT Software), KEYFAST (H&M Systems Software), MacKinney Batch to CICS (MBC) (MacKinney Systems), Macro Level Interpreter (MacKinney Systems), MAINVIEW AutoOPERATOR for CICS (BMC), MAINVIEW for CICS TS (BMC), Megapacker (H&M Systems Software), METAMON for CICS (Cue-Metamon) METAMON Power Tools (Cue-Metamon) MFAST/ES (H&M Systems Software), PEngiONL (CICS) (Foundation Software), PIE/CICS Availability Plus for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), PIE/CICS Dynamic Menus for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), PIE/CICS MultiCICS for z/OS) (UNICOM Systems), PIE/CICS NetGate for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), PIE/CICS NonStop CICS for z/OS (UNICOM Systems), PlexSpy Application Status Monit