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Monday, 30 Aug 2010

Getting your money's worth

If you're looking for value for money, then you can't do much better than attend the 9th annual UK 2010 Guide Share Europe Conference to be held on 2 and 3 November at Whittlebury Hall, Northamptonshire - if you're using your sat nav, it's NN12 8QH. This will be the largest UK GSE conference in their history and boasts 13 streams on the Tuesday and a whopping 14 streams on the Wednesday. You can get more information at Registration is now open.

Secondly, there's now a Version 2.0 available of ZEN, the cost saving z/OS network management suite from William Data Systems. This new version includes enhancements that enable many more companies running z/OS to improve on and completely replace NetView or NetMaster. WDS claims that for some customers, managing networks with ZEN has reduced their annual cost of ownership by as much as 50%. ZEN customers pay for only the functionality they need, which reduces annual costs compared with users of other products who pay for functionality that they don't use.

ZEN V2's new Automation component includes a full REXX function pack. This provides facilities for users to totally automate their management of z/OS network environments and create customized ZEN displays and alerts.

ZEN provides a browser interface that is intuitive and customizable to individual user's needs. ZEN also provides "green screens", which more traditional users continue to benefit from. You can find out more at

And if you want something that's absolutely free... you can find a summary of my recent interview with Stephen Ibaraki from the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) at And if that whets your appetite, you can listen to the complete podcast at

If you need anything written, contact Trevor Eddolls at iTech-Ed.
Telephone number and street address are shown here.

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