iTech-Ed Ltd

Guide Share Europe Annual Conference 2023

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Monday, 17 July 2023

If you work on mainframes and you live in the UK or western Europe, you won’t want to miss out on the UK’s premier mainframe conference and exhibition. It is, of course, The Guide Share Europe (GSE) UK Annual Conference. And it is taking place from Monday 30 October until Thursday 2 November at its regular home in Whittlebury Hall, Whittlebury, Near Towcester, Northamptonshire NN12 8QH, UK. After last year’s successful face-to-face conference, this one should be even better. And this year’s strapline is “Where Technology and Talent meet Tomorrow”.

In-person meetings like this not only provide excellent education for attendees, but also the opportunity to speak to the exhibitors about where they are focusing their attention and to catch up – and argue – with other mainframers during the day and in the bar in the evening!

And, importantly, the GSE conference has just opened up registration this month. So, if you were hoping to get a room in the hotel where the conference is taking place, I would advise that you book straight away.

This year, the Diamond sponsor is Broadcom. The Platinum Sponsors are BMC, Vanguard Integrity Professionals, Rocket Software, and IBM. The Gold Sponsors are Opentext, and Vertali. The Silver Sponsors are MainTegrity, Ensono, DataKinetics, Beta Systems, Veracode, and SEA Software Engineering of America.

This year’s exhibitors are Enterprise Performance Strategies, Velocity Software, Trident Services, Macro4, Planet Mainframe, SCC, Fitz Software, TSG, , Interskill, Red Hat, Dell Technologies, Action Software, and Verhoef Training.

Although there are now a number of sessions on the Monday afternoon. The conference proper kicks off on Tuesday morning with a brief keynote from Mark Wilson, followed by HSBC Bank’s Paul Hopson.

That is followed by three days of excellent presentations from various experts. There are typically 16 streams running covering all aspects of mainframe life, from 101 sessions for people who are new to the mainframe world. To sessions on CICS, IMS, Db2, security, application development, women in IT, new technologies, storage, system management, and much more. And there are keynote presentations on the other days. That gives nearly 200 sessions across the three and a half days of the conference.

And if you’re still debating whether to go, let me recommend it to you. The quality of presentations is always excellent. And the networking opportunities are brilliant. There’s usually 500 or more people there. It would be a shame for you to miss it.

See you there.

If you need anything written, contact Trevor Eddolls at iTech-Ed.
Telephone number and street address are shown here.