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Test Automation: The Key to Increasing Velocity, Quality and Efficiency

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Monday, 15 February 2021

Compuware, A BMC company, used this year’s Arcati Mainframe Yearbook to tell us about research they’d commissioned from independent research company Vanson Bourne, who’d conducted a global survey of 400 senior IT leaders responsible for application development at organizations with a mainframe. They were looking at testing and automation practices on the mainframe and their impact on the speed of innovation.

They said that world’s biggest and most successful enterprises continue to run their mission –critical workloads on the mainframe. They remain committed to the platform due to its unmatched digital strengths in reliability, performance, security and transactional efficiency; as well as its decades of proven intellectual property in the form of fine – tuned business logic and data.

What’s often overlooked, they suggest, is that the majority of customer – facing distributed, web and cloud – based applications are highly reliant on the mainframe. As a result, it’s critical that organizations are able to deliver change on the mainframe as quickly as they can in their distributed systems, to support the demands for a constant cycle of ‘new’ from the business and to satisfy their always beautifully, wonderfully dissatisfied customers.

Against this backdrop, speed and innovation have become the rallying call for IT departments across every industry. The shift to Agile and DevOps has improved the pace of software delivery and has become essential to competing in the Age of Software.

However, testing remains a critical development function where manual methods, especially within mainframe development environments, are delaying software delivery and the pressure for shortened lead times are threatening quality. Test automation coupled with a “shift – left” approach—where developers write unit tests at the same time as they write source code—is not widely embraced for mainframe application development.

Further, an increase in mainframe workloads and a growing shortage of skilled professionals are increasing the need to ensure code has been thoroughly tested, which can put it at odds with the need to increase the pace of delivery.

In the report, they examined the processes that organizations have in place to support testing on the mainframe, while exploring the challenges they face in simultaneously increasing quality, velocity and efficiency. The report shows that traditional, manual testing swallows up skilled developers’ time and in turn puts pressure on teams to take shortcuts. Ultimately, it shows that the current manual approach to testing is often difficult, costly and time – consuming, and highlights the need to increase the use of automation to alleviate these pressures.

The key highlights from the study include: